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Read the Book Game of Thrones

I started to read a book, the Game of Thrones bought many years ago. While I read its prologue, I felt various feelings.

I could vividly imagine the descriptions, because I saw the drama before. It was fun that I compare between the drama and the novel. I also realized the difference of expressions. In Korea, writers express a man’s anger like this: “The man felt deep anger. He clenched his fist and his body shivered with his anger.” However, in the Game of Thrones, George R. R. Martin described like this: “his tensened lips, fire eyed...”.  
I felt interesting this difference. As Anna (my English coach) said the expression’s difference between English and Korea many times, I understand what she explained.
Other interest thing was to compare plots. Drama’s main characters were really similar with the novel’s descriptions. Although drama did not mention their age, the novel informed exact ages of them. I surprised many times. “The character was only 15? Oh, unbelievable!”

I thought I could read the book before the Game of Thrones next season. But I have not read the book yet. Fortunately, the last season of the Game of Thrones is delayed and airing this year. Also, George R. R. Martin has not finished the final volume 'Wind' of the Game of Thrones series.

I often go to George Martin blog, it moved.
There is still no news of "Wind" coming out and only news of the Game of Thrones season 8 release.

The Game of Thrones season 8 will be broadcast next month, so I will not be able to read the book until then. I want to see the last episode of the drama comfortably and read the book slowly.
Read the Book Game of Thrones Read the Book Game of Thrones Reviewed by Lala on 06:00 Rating: 5

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