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The Secret, Amazing Book

“The Secret” is one of the most popular and best seller book in the world. I contributed the book to become the best seller. I bought this book many times. I like to gift people good books. As I bought these books for gifts to my important people, this book became the my most bought book.

This book’s main story is the secret like the title. The secret has power to  change one’s life. And the secret is adopted in every aspect of my  life, such as money, health, relationships and happiness. If I could begin to understand the hidden, untapped power that is inside me, this revelation can bring joy to every aspect of my life. This is very attractive to me.

So, what is the secret? It is very simple. “Thought become things.” Changing our thoughts bring different results for us. Although I think a lot and have many different feelings in a day, I had not realized what I was thinking and feeling. They pass through my head and heart very fast. In such circumstances, I tend to focus on bad thoughts or feelings easily. If I focus more on annoying things, then those attracted more bad things like Murphy’s law. For example, If I wake up late and screwed important appointments, I would feel bad. Because of my bad feelings, I would get upset easily. If a car next to me did not keep his lane, I would feel more annoyed than regular days. 
But, If I focus on good sides and realize that I am having bad thoughts and feelings, I would stop the bad cycles. The main message of this book is this:  Focus on what you are thinking and feeling now and change the signals to good sides.

In fact, this secret is not a secret. In churches, schools, books, they already had said the same. Although the secret in this book is not special, why has this book became the best seller? I think this book is simple and fun. People like to know others’ secrets. This book exposures the secret and explains the secret very easily. And a lot of celebrities provided evidences that the secret is really adopted.

When I gifted my friends this book, their reponses were very different. Someone said that it was truism, the others said that it is touching. One thing remains the same: The secret is wisdom. Whether they believe or not, the secret is adopted in their lives and my life. So I believe the secret. When I am hectic, I would have a brief stop and see if my feelings and thoughts are going in a good direction.
The Secret, Amazing Book The Secret, Amazing Book Reviewed by Lala on 15:01 Rating: 5

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