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Interacting with others on Internet

Today’s communication ways are various: face to face, tele-communication, text message, mail, e-mail, chatting with online messenger and SNS(social network service)s. One of the noticeable communication methods is interacting with others on internet. It made huge changes to people’s interaction and even their thinkings.

Online communication is really convenient. It is not restricted by place or time. Especially, invention of smartphones made it available. If people want to talk to someone, people can contact him/her anytime and anywhere. The characteristics have both merits and demerits.

Let’s see the merits first.
We can make friends regardless of spaces. In facebook, strangers, who live in other countries, sometimes ask me to be a friend. If I accept the propose, we will be a on-line friend. It is very easy. If we want, we can make foreign friends anytime. It makes people get faster and various information. For example, if a war takes place in Israel, we can hear about the news from the friends, who lived there. In the past, we got information from broadcast and newspaper. So the government or special organizations could control the information. However, today’s fast on-line communication make controlling and handling uneasy. People can hear the fast and accurate news from their on-line friends, who lived there.
Next, people sometimes feel the online friends closer and better than off-line friends. Because on-line friends do not know each other’s faces, she/he is more comfortable to talk frankly. People often believe that online friends keep their secrets.
However, online friends are not good in everyway. There is a hidden trap to this. As online friends have no responsibilities, they can say anything easily. For instance, if a friend, who works in the same office, broke up her boy friend, you could feel uncomfortable. She may have sensitive feelings and bad conditions. You may care about her or be careful not to get on her nerves. If she really was hurt, you could help with her works. Off-line friend’s events can have effects on your real life directly. On the other hands, if online friend has some sad events, you just say warm words to cheer him/her up. Online friend’s states cannot easily effect your real life. You have no responsibilities and no burdens. So, you can say things easily.
There is a joke, one man, who has 3000 facebook friends, died but there were just 4 real actual friends in his funeral. The 3000 facebook friends only left messages on facebook wall, “R.I.P”.

Matters are not only false relationships but also anonymous indiscriminate attacks. Person, who has sensitive and unadoptive mental set, uses bad words in online interactions. They enjoy to hurt people and to make them feel bad. Many people are wounded by these bad words. Some of them cannot bear it and commit suicide. So, many countries control the offensive words by laws.

I think all things have two sides. Though online networkings give me a chance to meet various people, the chance has two sides. It depends on how I use it.
Interacting with others on Internet Interacting with others on Internet Reviewed by Lala on 23:28 Rating: 5

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