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Cabbage Water & Detax Juice for 1 week

When I looked my face on mirror, I annoyed my skin troubles. It was many small bumpy things. I found its solution on internet and many people recommended cabbage water.

Cabbage Water
After reading it, I boiled cabbage immediately. Its taste was terrible. I did not want to swallow it again.

Detox Juice
At that instant, detox juice pup up in my head. I heard about it many times before. Many of my friend said that they drank it everyday and felt their body lighter than before. Famous detox juice made of 6 fruits and vegetables: cabbage, brocoli, tomato, apple, banana and carrot. I predict its taste is better than cabbage water.

I boiled vegetable, cooled them and mixed with fruits. Its taste was good. I make and drink detox juice everyday. Its placebo effect is huge. I feel my body lighter and healthier.

After one week, my skin trouble on jew disappeared! Other trouble still exist but has reduced.
Cabbage Water & Detax Juice for 1 week Cabbage Water & Detax Juice for 1 week Reviewed by Lala on 01:35 Rating: 5

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