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Ideal Oranizational Culture

‘Ideal Organizational Culture’ is a boring, difficult but important subject to me. Because my major is organizational psychology, my colleagues and I discuss this issue everyday. The main purpose of our research is to make an organizaion become better place to work. There are many ways: changing organizational system, building teamwork, raising leaderships and changing organizational culture.
Organizational culture is complex concept which contains most of things related work. It includes the other concepts: organizational system, teamwork, leaderships.

In 1975, Shane defined organizational culture by three levels: visible, invisible and implicit levels. First, visible level is like written rules, uniform, name tag. Second, invisible level is implicit rules. It does not written anywhere, people know that and teach it to newbies. Third, implicit level is that employees perfectly internalize the culture without realizing that. Other people can distinguish their different culture, they do not realize by themselves. The employees feel it very natural.
As organizational culture contains most of things related work, it is a key factor of people’s perception which their work place is good. If an organizational culture is good, workers feel comfortable to work. Therefore, many companies endeavour to make good organizational culture. Good organizational culture is different according to their business. If a business relates to make creative works, free organizational culture is better to good performance. On the other hand, a product business needs strict organizational culture to reduce error.

How to make good organizational culture? Culture is made of many people and developed through long time. Changing organizational culture is difficult work. However, sometimes organizational culture can change easily by a leader. If a leader changes in a organization, the culture also changes. Leader’s effect is huge and absolute in many cases. I felt that strange. 
When I was young, I wondered why history was written by leader’s view. I wanted to see by people’ view like farmers or citizen. This question was not solved for a long time. However, I realized the answer through I experienced in organizations. Followers do not decide anything, most of things are decided by leaders. As some democratic leaders cares follower’s opinions, final decision is depends on the leader’s opinion. So, ideal organizational culture is depend on a leader’s philosophy. Although many people try to make ideal organizational culture, the leader without philosophy messes it up. As organizational culture related many things, making organizational culture is difficult!
Ideal Oranizational Culture Ideal Oranizational Culture Reviewed by Lala on 07:00 Rating: 5

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